Are you a small business owner seeking an affordable, reliable SEO company in South Wales? Or just wondering how much SEO in South Wales might cost? Then you’re in the right place — Based in Newport (Casnewydd), I’ve been helping small firms in South Wales grow online through SEO and web design since 2005 (and doing that for larger firms since 1997).
So unlike many “SEO specialists”, I’m not a fly-by-night. I offer SEO in South Wales specifically to help small businesses in our area. That’s why I build websites, too.
The Small Business SEO Problem
Frankly, SEO “experts” who can’t build websites don’t know much about SEO. Sadly, not all web designers and web developers know much about SEO either. Many are only interested in graphic design or coding, and see SEO as someone else’s job. Others skip performance factors to keep their prices down or rely on site-building platforms that pretend SEO can be done by just ticking a few boxes.
As a result, many small businesses end up with an underperforming website, in need of affordable SEO. So they go looking for recommendations — only to find lots of sharks, and that most decent SEO agencies charge over £500 a month. While that’s affordable for small firms with more than a few employees, it can be quite a stretch for micro-businesses.
Does that sound familiar? Because there’s a reason for that catch:
SEO requires consistent investment in quality. That’s what search engines reward because it’s what visitors generally want to see.
Effective SEO takes a lot of skilled work over time, requiring significant, sustained investment. It’s a good investment, but not a quick fix. Even Google says the results of SEO work often aren’t visible for four to twelve months or more.
So small firms often give up on SEO before it has had a chance to work. Knowing this, SEO specialists (who have no other services to sell) have a strong incentive to use dodgy “black hat” tactics that can show quick results, but do more harm than good in the long run (because search engines penalise those who try to rig their game).
So what’s a small business owner like you to do? Especially if you’re a sole trader or other microbusiness?
Safe, Affordable Small Business SEO In South Wales
My SEO Plus packages aim to help small businesses in South Wales — including micro-businesses. How can they do that and still stay affordable?
In short, by effective analysis, flexible targeting and being sustainable. Traditional SEO packages for larger firms tend to focus on a few specific, highly competitive keywords for months. Yet the biggest advantage small firms have is flexibility. So small businesses are better off following what their own site’s stats say are the best search terms to focus on, month by month.
Yes, your site can tell you that. If you have it set up correctly and know what to look for. That’s what I do.
Either way, there’s a lower limit to how much you’ll need to invest to make any progress. It’s just that it can be lower if you can be flexible, stats-led, and can play the long game. Because slow progress is still better than slipping backwards as your competitors improve their marketing.
Going Beyond SEO In South Wales With “SEO Plus”
Still, when your entire marketing budget only runs to a few hundred pounds a month or less, committing much of that to one marketing strategy may not feel sustainable, flexible or affordable. That’s where the “Plus” comes in.
Whilst my SEO Plus packages are focused on SEO, they’re really flexible marketing plans that help with other strategies, too. In any given month, we can swap the SEO tasks for others, like content marketing or creating short marketing videos.
Need some help with small business SEO in South Wales?
See the plans