For any business in Wales, a successful, strong web presence reliesWeb Design for Business in Wales on first impressions. If you don’t capture a visitor’s attention within the first 7 seconds, you might as well say “goodbye.”

The internet can be a cruel mistress or a huge opportunity for small businesses. There are a lot of things to get right — visual design, usability, coding, content creation, search optimisation, conversion rate optimisation, digital marketing and more. Each of these has its own pitfalls and learning-curve.

This means that there are a lot of things that DIY, amateur or just plain inexperienced designers can get wrong. Your main competitors are almost certainly the ones who paid for professional help.

So, you need to approach web design and marketing the right way. This guide is intended to give you a better idea of what your web presence needs to focus on to succeed as a business in Wales. Is your website addressing these key web design principles?

Responsive Web Design

Mobile browsing makes up 52% of all internet traffic. So, if your website isn’t designed with mobile devices in mind, you’re losing half your business in Wales.

The solution is to build your website with a responsive design. This organic way of displaying websites ensures that your web page will conform and fill any size screen. So with responsive website design, all the key information remains legible, even on smaller mobile devices.

This helps your website look more professional to your potential customers. It also looks better to Google, giving your SEO a vital boost.

Ease of Use

Grabbing the attention of your website visitors is only the first step. It takes more than just flashy interfaces and slick images to turn visitors into customers. Your website needs to be intuitive and easy to navigate and use.

People will quickly get frustrated if they can’t find the information they want quickly. You need to make it easy — and almost irresistible — to search for products or categories, press buttons and generally interact with your site. Good use of colour psychology, contrast and legible typography can also make a big difference.

The easier it is to navigate on your page, the more the customer will focus on your content, messaging, and calls to action.

Get Personal

It’s all about connecting with your target audience. So, if you want a successful website, build it for your audience, not yourself.

That means you need to know your target audience. It’s not just “anyone who wants to buy my stuff” — that may be your potential audience, but it isn’t a target. You can’t be everything to everyone, so targeting is what makes marketing cost-effective.

One of the keys to producing great, valuable content is personality. You can’t pitch that correctly if you don’t know who you’re talking to. On the other hand, if you do know your target audience well, you can draft content as easily as writing to a friend. That will help your target audience to feel a connection and start trusting you. That’s vital — because people buy from those they know, like and trust.

Starting the conversation on your website and through social media is how you build loyal fans and reach to big market players.

Design Your Business in Wales

I hope these tips help give you an idea of what makes a successful website design. As you can see, there’s a lot that goes into it.

There’s a lot of technical expertise involved, but I’m here to help. Whether you want to build from scratch or to enhance your existing web presence, get in touch today for a free website quote.