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5 Top Tips for Designing a Small Business Website

Small business website - start small, think bigPlanning to launch a new website for your business? There’s a lot to consider when designing a small business website. Have you thought about how its design may affect visibility on Google or how people perceive your business?

Gone are the days where a free Geocities or WordPress template could do the job for you.

The competition is tighter now, with 71% of small businesses already operating a website of their own. Your site has to stand out amidst the sea of competitors. Get started the right way with these 5 top tips to create a good small business website:

1 On-Site SEO is a Must

First and foremost, make Search Engine Optimization a priority for everything you do on your site.… Read the rest

How SEO Helps Your Business Grow

SEO - search engine optimisationSearch engine optimization (SEO) is a digital marketing strategy that brings visitors to websites. It helps businesses by increasing website traffic in an organic (unpaid) way. However, it keeps evolving, so it can be hard for stakeholders to keep up with the many updates. That can be frustrating for those who rely on Google’s traffic to drive sales, so hopefully the SEO infographic below will help.

SEO is also a huge topic. Factors that affect search positioning include the quality of backlinks and content, SSL security, page speed, click-through-rate, and more. However, one factor that remains constant is the extra value that customers bring when they find your business via organic search.

Visitors from unpaid, organic search are actively looking for what you provide.… Read the rest

5 Great Reasons To Start A Business Blog

start a business blogIf you own a local business, you may be wondering whether to start a business blog. Perhaps you aren’t sure how it could help you, or you lack the time to create quality content consistently.

On the other hand, you’ve heard that content marketing can take your business to the next level.

So, is starting a blog worth it? How could it help your business? Let’s review a few of the best reasons to start a business blog.

1. Drive Website Traffic

The most obvious part of running a business online is that low traffic to your website means low sales. That’s why many business owners spend lots of money each month on PPC ads to boost site traffic.

Here’s the good news: starting a local business blog is a very cost-effective way to increase traffic to your site.… Read the rest

How Content Marketing Works

Why do marketers focus on digital content so much? They all seem to agree that content marketing works — but how? What is “content marketing” anyway? How does it fit into online marketing strategies — and how can you get it working for your business?

Well, the short answer to most of those questions boils down to one long-established fact: content is king. Quality content attracts, convinces and converts visitors into customers. Weak content does not.

Of course, there’s a lot more to it than that. So, let’s start with what’s so special about digital content?

Why Digital Marketing?

Well, did you know that the UK is the world’s fourth biggest advertising market? In 2016, UK firms spent 21.9 billion GBP on advertising, and that figure is expected to keep rising.

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5 Signs You Need A Local SEO Expert

Do you need a local SEO expert?Most business owners know that SEO is important. An estimated 80-90% of consumers check online before buying a product. So if you aren’t doing SEO right, you’re leaving money on the table and it would pay to get some reliable, expert advice. If you have local customers though, what you really need is a local SEO expert.

That doesn’t just mean an SEO expert in your area. It means someone who knows how to optimise a site for search terms that include location information. Like “yoga Newport” for instance, or the even more competitive, “web design Newport”.

Why Local SEO?

For many businesses, local SEO can be more effective than general, or “national” SEO. That’s especially true for SMEs, because lots of us serve specific areas.… Read the rest